Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Welcome Wagon has Arrived

What the heck is this blog about? And what is a Proverbial Post-It? We don't even know, but we will be writing. Writing about whatever we feel like. Here are some of our ideas:

- describing a scene of a picture
- starting a chapter story
- debating! We pick a topic and have to bring only one point at a time and argue it
- short story, emphasis on short
- pick 5 words and weave them into a story
- find a news article and make an argument for or against something in it
- pick a letter and every sentence has to start with that letter
- poems - haiku, limerick, rap, etc
- write a children's story

Come to think of it, we'll probably just be writing about whatever is on our minds. Sometimes we'll write about a certain topic, other times we'll just write because we want to write. We're just trying to get better at writing and have fun at the same time.

Let's get writing...


The Great FatBee said...

Testing ... how do I change the font on this site. Also, can we have a signature?

obviously we are going to want to delete these when we start haha!

Fantasy Junkie said...

i don't think we can have signatures. or at least I can't find it on the edit profile page.